Waikaka Romneys have been bred here at Waikaka Station for over one hundred years and they are still performing well for us today. We have played on their strengths and crossed them with both Texels and Perendales to create two additional breeds, Romex and Romdales to service variety of needs. We are passionate about Genetics in our breeding, and really believe in the future of the Romney Breed.
We remain loyal to Romneys for their excellent maternal traits, fertility and growth. A straight Romney is a great way to add some growth and bone back into a composite ewe flock
The Perendale influence in our Romdale stud lends easy care and survivability to compliment the Romney maternal traits. A great ram to put across your flock for a less intensive lambing.
A Romney Texel cross that is proving particularly popular for increasing yield whilst maintaining fertility and growth traits. A great choice for high yield weaning drafts.