About us
We are a fourth generation farming family firmly planted on our Southland based Waikaka Station since 1907. Originally established by Laurie's great grandfather, our operation is now run by Laurie and Sharon, alongside their son Ross and his wife Steph. Their young children, Ollie and Emmie and Leo make up the 6th generation living on the land, and can often be found helping out around the farm on bike or horseback. Lisa is a much loved integral part of our team and can be found doing anything on the farm on any given day. We have also been lucky to have a number of amazing folk from around the world stopping in to work with us over the years and have made some incredible friends in the process. We are committed to developing our operating practice and are keeping a close eye on industry innovations, always striving to make our herd and flocks the best we possibly can whilst implementing new technologies to make our jobs easier. We are very aware that we are caretakers of this beautiful part of the country, and in line with this, development and maintenance of the property has always been a high priority, and indeed a culmination of four generations of blood sweat and tears. Our passion lies in Stud breeding Herefords, Romneys, Texels, Romex and Romdales. We pride ourselves in being down to earth and approachable, and strive to foster lasting relationships and friendships with our clients. Our door is always open to new ideas and discussions on how we can make things better for our clients and the industry as a whole. We want you to be a part of the Waikaka success story. Sign up to our newsletter to stay in the loop and keep informed of happenings about the farm, drop us an email, or pop into the farm anytime to have a cuppa and see what we are all about.